How do I register as a team?
Just click on the registration button to start the registration process.
Click on the red Register button
Choose your registration (Adult, Junior or Sleepwalker and how many of each)
Click on Checkout
Enter your shipping address if you chose to have your shirt(s) shipped
Scroll down to enter Team Name
Choose your shirt size and check the box to sign the waiver
Then click on Place Order
Then continue the registration process.
Lastly, share your team name with family and friends!
Will there be any awards for teams with the most registered walkers?
YES! The top 3 teams with the most registered walkers will win an award. The contest deadline for teams is the day before Thanksgiving at 11:59 pm.
Do you have any fun team names to share?
Sure thing. Below is a list of team name ideas you are welcome to use. Feel free to get creative and come up with your own, too.
- Angry Birds
- Butterballs
- Flying Turkey Legs
- Hens Walkin’
- Golden Gobblers (could use a color instead of Golden)
- Hot Gobblers
- Hot Hens
- Hot Stuffin’
- Mama Birds
- Mashed Potatoes and Gravy
- Pour Some Gravy on Me
- Ruffled Feathers
- Sweet Potatoes
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turkeys
- The Gizzards
- Turkey Basters
- Turkeys in Training
- Twisted Turkeys
- Walk This Way
- Will Run (or Walk) for Turkey
- Wobble Baby Wobble